Today's been the day number two of working our
Badou Nails and
Haine Rammsteiner cosplays.
To me, Momo, the situation looks kinda good. I got my coat ready today and also the eye patch is now done. Actually the only thing I'm lacking is the wig,which is already ordered and on its way from Hong Kong to Finland:))
While I got it all ready (NO, ignore the fact I got a day off^^) Poke has only succeeded to cutting and is now sewing the fabric parts on their places.
Here is a little of what we have done...
Usually, creating a costume is a great process. To put it briefly, we tend to do it on 5 parts.
1. Choose the character!Usually the easiest part, because when you see THE character, you know it's the right one.
2. Search for informationGoogle your character, get to know all the dirty secrets and funny facts of it and what is more important find a good picture of it or two so you can see the outfit from every angle.
3. Plan!Go to ebay or some other wig selling site and find a wig that suits to your character, make a budget to your costume and try to draw it. Ordering the wig is very important 'cause it usually takes weeks to arrive. MAKE A SCHEDULE! Also, search patterns from the internet and magazines to find good ones to use. NOTE! You will never find ready patterns for your Akatsuki cloak or Organisation coat, deal with it. Patterns are adjustable, if you can't adjust them to your purpose, ask for help!
If your character has a gun or a sword or watermelon or whatever, try and decide whether to do it yourself or to buy a ready one TIP! You can always find tutorials online!

Finding patterns...
Or Poke style, make them yourself!
4. The Funny Part; Cutting, sewing, cursing, masochism,headacheGo to the fabric store and find fabrics to you outfit, ask for help if you can't find what you need, they are there for you!
Once you are at home with all the Fabric and stuff start by cutting it and then sew and so on...
Poke's Haine coat on process..

And Badou coat DONE! WAHAHAH

Then go to secondhand shops and Cheap stores to find the shoes and other nice thingys~~
Style wig if needed (we'll add the tutorial of wig styling and also Badous eyepatch later on..)
5. Shine (suffer) like a star!
Go to the con and have fun! but be careful and be prepared with Aspirin,Plaster,gypsum and phone with 911!
Well, that's it for today
Be Bananas, Be beautiful