So Närcon is finally over, the convention we were waiting and waiting and so very excited about.
you know to be honest..
we must say this...
don't be mad..
We decided to be superlame and make one of these "day-by-day" posts since it's the easiest way and we are lazy. deal with it. A kind of...travel diary or something?
btw, I think this mini text is so cool. and cute. KAWAIII
Here we go!
WEDNESDAY the day of waiting and adventures.
We woke up at 3:30 am.
Well we woke up at 3:30 am.
I think that's pretty much our morning, we woke up and we weren't too tired, which was good, but odd.
We got ourselves out of our apartment at around 5pm and so the long journey started.
At first we had to travel to Turku/Åbo, to catch our boat to Stockholm, and everything went well and we were having some very nice time on boat!
Such a beautiful weather!
Having too much fun with mini Oreos (ps 5/5)
we were bored so Momo made this to Poke.
After spending too much money in tax-free and eating too much candy and oreos and drinking too many bottles of coca cola zero we finally made it to Stockholm!
And now, here comes the not funny and very adventurous part where trains are playing the main role.
So yes, we were in Stockholm about a time we were supposed to, only 10 minutes late, and that was 10 minutes too much, because according to our plan, we should have caught the train in 30 minutes after landing... so there we were standing on the front line of the people trying to get out of the boat, ready to smash every unfortunate human being trying to override us, like a fighters we pulled ourselves out and managed to get out in the fresh air first! we were first because we ran the stairs down when other people used escalators....
But this magnificent effort wasn't enough :( We didn't catch our train! so instead of being in Linköping at 10pm, we had to take the bus which was cool because there wi-fi in the bus and we finally got ourselves to Linköping at 11.40pm..

And now we were supposed to drag ourselves to the Linköping university without a single idea where should we go...and after a while we realized there were no buses going in there by that time and we thought we were screwed! but then we spotted a nice man who told us some directions, and even better, we realized that our GPS was working just fine! So we walked and walked with our heavy backpack while Momo was guiding us....AND THERE IT WAS! Linköping university! I can't really describe the feelings we had at a time when we saw these blue lights and painting with a Närcon logo on it, but the joy was just about to begun, because within a minute or two, there were some wonderful Swedish guys helping us out to find the camping area! we love Swedish people♥ The time was something around 1.am when we finally found the camping area and explained our situation and FINALLY started to put up our tent with only the little light our phones gave us! but like that wouldn't have been too late to finally catch some sleep, we ended up wandering around the Närcon area looking for bathrooms...'nuff said. I think the time was something around 3am when we finally laid our heads to the pillows.
THORSDAY pfschscht thor..clever. The day of triplets!
The clock: around 8 am
Momo: MAD
Reason: Someone waking me up by talking outside our tent
So I woke up. AT 8 AM. After having way too little sleep. I tried to still catch some Z's but I'm one of those who wake up and well, can't sleep anymore so I decided to put up my clothes and leave Poke and Hisi to sleep and go out to check out the con area that was bathing on sunlight! I managed to finally find the showers and then went and bought some breakfast for the two lazies still happily sleeping.
When I came back, I found out that they had gone to showers so I kinda cleaned our tent and waited them up. Once they arrived we decided that it was about the time to go and wear our triplet costumes and guess what: Both of them had forgotten their ribbons! So I went like;
So we looked from all around our tent and finally decided to cut my ribbon in two and leave out the arm ribbons and were all done to leave when POKE CHECKED INSIDE HER SHOE AND FOUND HER FREAKING RIBBONS. So I went like:
However, we finally got out of the camping area and jumped in to our costumes (we managed to get all ribbons for everyone) and went to the Närcon area.
Or so we thought! In Finland, it's not common to queue for the convention so we were quite surprised when we noticed this "little" line! But it wasn't too bad and we met some new people while waiting so it was just cool. After an hour or so we finally got our wristbands and dug in to the convention.
It was quite amusing when people came up to us and started speaking Swedish on multispeed of which even I, Momo who actually know some Swedish couldn't understand so we had to be awkward and ask everyone to translate in English. Lol. We even learned a new word of Swedish: trillingarna = triplets.
We met so many nice people and everyone was so kind, asking us where we came from and what we liked about in Sweden. We also met
Valkoinen Samurai who's been commenting our blog for some time and his lovely twin
Jäätynyt Enkeli with whom we also hung up on other days. You guys were awesome and it was cool meeting you!:D
Speaking of twins, there was this awesome Ouran high school host club thingy where you were actually able to talk with the characters (or the one's who cosplayed them) and we decided to go for it and meet the Haruhi twins since we were cosplaying triplets (and me and Poke are also twins...) and because they were so cute and had a nice 20 min chat with them!
We also attended to a thing called 'speed meeting' that was a bit like speed dating but in a friendly way. That was just awesome and I think we will bring it to Finnish conventions as well! Tracon, here we come...
Then we wandered around a little and finally went back to our tent and switched into more casual clothes. While we were walking, the IDGAF mode went on and Poke ended up doing the 'triplet off duty' version:
Poke pls
Our tent and Hisi being faboulous. I'm bending over, lol. SEE THE FINNISH FLAG
We also went to take a studio photo of our triplets:
After going casual we went to McDonald's (surprise) and ate FOOD. We tried to find a store but couldn't so...fuck it, Happy meal it is.
Once we had eaten our nutritious and healthy meal ( Poke got some free nuggets!!!) we headed back to Närcon and saw these awesome Mau5heads:
We are wearing the new wigs we bought! Just need to think of a cosplay for those..
After trolling around we headed back to tent and went to sleep "early" at 2:30 am:D
FRIDAY Bleaching around and so on
The clock: around 7:30
Poke: Tired
Reason: Waking up way too early due to time taking make-up.
So there I was, sitting on our tent's entry hall, still downloading some mind to my body, trying to collect all the stuff I would need to turn myself from blond and pale to black and rastafari.
So I struggled myself to the Campushallen and found out that it was filled with cosplayers, so I put my stuff to it's place and tried to go to shower, soon it turned out that washing my hair was a bad idea, because I had no time to let it dry, and I knew I would be sweating around all day and I had to put the wig with plastic cap inside it, on to my wet hair, also making up in Campushallen wasn't good idea, since there were no too many mirrors..so I got back to our tents and then, when Momo and Hisi had their costumes done, it was time to go to Närcon!
Cosplaying Tousen in Finland is a little different, because in Finland, it's ok to pretend to be black, but I kind of felt like having a few bad looks., since they thought I was making a joke about black people, which I wasn't!! I actually think that black men are hot!! But I decided not to care about it! And on the other hand, there were many people coming to me thumbs up and saying "respect" which made me feel very good♥
So there we were, derping around the convention and stuff :D Met some awesome people!!
After a while we noticed that something was going on and saw people playing cosplay chess, which basically means people playing chess with cosplayers and everytime you "drop-off" you have to battle!
Then we decided to go go find a store, so I asked directions from the info and was told that somewhere near would be a "small or medium-size store" and when we actually got there...IT WAS HUGE! way bigger than our nearest grocery store! according to the fact that we do live in the center of the city and it was located somewhere in the middle of suburbs..DAFUQ!'
We were having some pretty weird looks on our way there lol :D
We bought ice-cream, baquettes, pie, juice and all the other cool stuff and enjoyed!
Due to our decision day before, we didn't go to mcdonals at all! instead, we found out that there was free wi-fi just outside of pressbyrån! so facebook it was!
BTW, earlier that day, we found out that there other finns! It was supercool!
We also met this awesome Grimmjow cosplayer who teached us the term "fappable" since there were two girls making out and stuff :D which was..well..awkward
SATURDAY The day of meeting more people
The clock: 8 am
Momo: Thinking about waking up
Reason: Need to be off to Bleach meet up at 10 am!
In the morning we woke up and jumped into our costumes as fast as possible (Ok, not as fast as we should have) and left from our tent to the main doors of Närcon and attended the Bleach meet up! There were around 30+ Bleach cosplayers and we formed a line and walked around the con as "the bleach army" and ended up having an interesting-ish photoshoot with well, awkward yaoi/yuri poses...
Some of the poses were quite funny, like this one with Starrk (why he is a pimp after all)
'dem girls diggin' Starrk!
We also got these awesome photos taken by someone? (please identify yourself!)
After photoshooting we hung around the place for a while and then decided to go to McDonald's (again) and eat something. I'm not trying to impress you or anything but we had......Happy meals! YAYY
And while we were enjoying our meals, a wild Scout cosplayer appeared and started a McDonald's happy meal battle! That lasted for like...20 minutes to half an hour:D Yup, we're adults!
We later heard that the toy was named Herbert ♥
After the battle we headed back to Närcon and were just chilling around until we were called to have another Bleach photoshoot! It turned out to be awesome since the people we photoshooted with were so lovely and nice and cool and awesome and and...I don't have the words to describe you guys ♥
I just realized that we don't have too many shots from that photoshoot so feel free to tell us if you do!
Now, let me get to the part you've been expecting the most: Jungle Hakama Dancing line!
So, as we were afraid, Poke decided to take a lead and ask all the bleach characters with hakamas to dance the hakama jungle dance (of which I don't have any photos so if you do, please inform us!) And there it goes: about 15 bleach cosplayers in hakamas doing this:
You can only imagine.
After the photoshoot we ended up spending the night with these awesome people we had met! We gathered together to have a campfire-ish thing and talked about...stuff :D Like Finland and Moomins!
Angel Gin:D
This photo is taken from "The Twin Sofa" where Poke was sitting with a pair of twins. They were the third twins we met at Närcon...Twincon up next? Poke had already took her costume off by then, since it takes a long time to remove the color..
Around 1 am we headed back to tents with some of the people we had met that night and had some deep-ish conversations on our way back to the tents:D
Then we went to sleep and...*Poke interrupts*
-Momo, you forgot to tell them something. *sarcastic face*
- What.....Oh no...Oh..no!!!
Fine, I admit it. I was fangirling over these awesome Sasuke and Itachi cosplayers. I was fangirling so bad I had to have this picture taken. Happy now?
SUNDAY and MONDAY a Stockholm day.
The clock: 8 am???
Poke: sleepy but still quite active.
Reason: why not?
We woke up quite early, feeling just fine and collected all our stuff and packed them and went back to Närcon for the last time, we decided not to cosplay, since it was only few hours and it's such a pain in the ass to bind and all :D
But after showering up and putting on our normal clothes, we headed to Närcon yard and fpund our friends from last night, we chatted with them for some time, and wished them well with hugs, since we had to leave to the train station!
Finding a bus stop was our first job, easy, it was near and so on. BUT when the bus came something happened!
We had like totally no idea, that tickets can't be bought from the bus and there was many people waiting to get into bus and we had crushed there first and...the bus driver was like suuuperawesome and perfect, because she let us go free of charge!!! and she even skipped all the other stops! since the bus was full..
And then, train did it again.
We went to the train station and met Valkoinen Samurai and Jäätynyt Enkeli for once again! But when we were about to buy tickets, there was so many people waiting to buy their tickets and only one people serving them that we missed our train AGAIN! and yet, the next train was fully booked so we missed it too! but it was only 4 minutes before the train we ended up travelling with, so no hard feelings!
(but the train tickets were very expensive!!!)
We pretty much slept the whole journey from Linköping to Stockholm so..yeah :D
When we arrived to Stockholm Momo lead us to our HOTEL!!1!
Our Hotel was located just in the center of Stockholm which was great!
Then we spent our day in Stockholm and in the morning we went back to finland with a boat and yeaahhh our parents and dog picked us up from the harbor and took us home. I'm tired of writing...'nuff said.
-Poke and Momo
Someone ate our brother!
Hisi draw this awesome Sasuke! (and Itachi)
Sorry for the long post!!