I'm sooo sorry we haven't been updating for a while but we've been so busy!
I had this play, Kani Kani, and it took pretty much every single minute of my time during the last few weeks :(
but if it comforts you at all, It was great. Acting and theatre is so close to my heart<3
Since there's two days in the con, we're having two costumes!
on first day we will cosplay as Cain and Abel as you very well knew :D
but on the second day we will be cosplaying...*rums*...KUROSHITSUJI TRIPLET SERVANTS!
but thete are three of them and there's only two of us...so will we make a doll or hologram or..
no. We have an honour to be accompanied by Hisi, our fellow cosplayer friend!
Since the costumes are quite easy to make we have almost done alread..BULLSHIT!
We haven't ordered the wigs yet. Or thought about the pants.
But what we do have, is shoes and vest patterns. And fabrics lol.
so we're on to it.
nuff said.
ok. I have student counselling lesson so off to my duty.
PS. food blog is on its way!!!