maanantai 31. lokakuuta 2011

perjantai 28. lokakuuta 2011
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today we have gathered here to read this completely nonsense blog entry written by an insomniac called Momo.
Right now it's 2.12 am in Finland and I'm lying on my bed. Since I've already played angry birds, brushed my hair and put some conditioner,removed the makeup, brushed my teeth (poke didn't do that! U lazy ass bi...bison) and lost my nerves with mahjong, I thought it would be a great idea to update our precious blog. (and otherwise I'd probably end up on my laptop to play runescape...wait)
The headline of this blog actually refers to one thing: this blog. Right now you're probably thinking that I'd say we will stop or etc but you can cancel the party (or invite us too!) We won't stop. The point is that we actually struggle on keeping these entries cosplay related.
However I thought it over and arrived to the conclusion that this is our blog and as long as we like to update this it really isn't that important whether it's only related to cosplay or not.
I mean, I do love cosplay and poke does too but that isn't all we have in this life!
To make my last argument invalid I will announce that we have a new plan! I won't tell you more yet but it's gonna be awesome! I reveal that it's related to kuroshitsuji and not Ciel, Sebastian or Alois..haha:D
When making a cosplay plan the worst mistake is to decide too many cosplays for one year. I and poke have a rule that there should be no more than three cosplays for one season. And max. Two to be on progress. This method makes our cosplay hobby much more easy and stress free (cosplay is never stress free!) Besides, when you're only working on one or two costumes, you will have more resources and money to make them better.
of course this is our method only and everyone needs to find their own methods to succeed:)
yeah that was about it:D still not feeling sleepy:( btw I realized that we have a bunch of tutorials photographed so you migh get one soon!
Pics in the end are completely nonsense pics of our dog and some other stuff ,sorry poke!
I banana you <3
keskiviikko 19. lokakuuta 2011
This is an extempore trip that we managed to arrange. We travel with a group of six people who are not really related to cosplay (except naru) However one girl of our group told us that she is a fan of our blog and is now disappointed 'cause we haven't been updating that much.Bad momo and poke *deathly stare*
Anyway, we are now sitting on a cafeteria and waiting for our bus to leave (or our laziness to end)
Yay. now it's probably been like 2 hours and we're on a board! I can't wait until we reach tallin and the cheap fabric stores. Someone said that you can also buy some wigs but I don't really buy it.
*realizes that the ship moves* I think I need to stop before we reach the border and my internet connection closes down. We will update after our trip (or when we find a wi-fi spot?)
to conclude, I will add some pictures (non cosplay related, haha)
Ps. The broccoli toy is our becoming cosplay mate...Bro Ccoli. Deal with it
sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2011
Bad Momo and Poke. We haven't really been updating anything...important or...senseful?
I bet this isn't going to be any better *shame on us*
We were cooking some apple pie so we can update our food blog (or even start it..) and thought that we should probably update? But we haz nothin' to tellz?
Let's make it simple.
We are lazy. As hell.
But for our record we have a reason to not have updated anything for a while. Camera.
Poke's camera and computer haven't really been co-operating lately. Because of that we haven't been able to have any tutorial/WIP pictures:( [despite the fact that we don't really have them inside the camera]
As you already know we have been working on the Trinity Blood cosplays for Desucon Frostbite and we are..well, almost ready *suspicious face*..not. However, we have decided to do some other cosplays as well, since the costumes are pretty complicated to wear and stuff. Yeah. (the obligatory yeah)
We are trying to find some female or male characters whom we can cosplay without ordering new wigs. Those cosplays should be easy to wear and cheap to do.
...Like there would be any cheap cosplays *phew*. Yet we'll end up doing some epic full-motorised mechas or 947787689274 meter long swords with led lights and flame throwers.
Wouldn't that be awesome!! *momo's deathly stare*
Moar easy. And mindfucking. And Lohls. (I'd like to be brooke sincerely, momo) RRIDGE;)
Now we're talking! (that as a twin cosplay? EPIC)
Yeah. Now we are off to...do..anything else. (like doing those belly dancer outfits;>)
Momo & Poke
P.s we ARE going to make some tutorials sooner or later!
keskiviikko 5. lokakuuta 2011
Since my math lesson turned out to be the most boring lesson in history I decided to update. Since Poke has updated ca.4 last times I thought it is finally my turn!!
First of all I'm awfully sorry that I don't have much pictures and that this app always puts them in the end of the entry. Just...live with it (or die, I don't care:3)
To make this entry cosplay related and senseful since I always tell Poke not to update those nonsense entries about strange stuff, I will announce that our tix for Desucon Frostbite (held on January 2012) have arrived and I'm super excited!!
Our cosplays are going to be awesome but I will remain quiet about the details of how we succeed because an artist doesn't reveal one's secrets. Ok, of course we are gonna upload some WIPs. It's just that we haven't even started...(or have we?)
AND because you love us I'm going to put some links here if you want to find us elsewhere:
Poke: (she doesn't have too many active accounts..)
Irc-galleria: www.irc-galleria.fi/user/pokemon
Twitter: www.twitter.com/he_at (I'm not sure about the links, I'm typing them myself)
I guess that's it:o
Well, I have a "little" more:D so Momo:
Irc-galleria: www.irc-galleria.fi/user/momoiro
Twitter: www.twitter.com/orochimarusi
DeviantART: orochimarusi.deviantart.com
Formspring: www.formspring.me/orochimarusi
At least those...we also have facebook accounts but I wont reveal 'em;)
Feel free to stalk ( I know you will)
Well that's about it.. I will add some ultracute photos of our puppy here so it won't be too pale.
With bananas,
P.s ooops! The picture of poke ended up here "by accident" ;p
maanantai 3. lokakuuta 2011
sooo, even though momo has officially told me to not write nonsense entries, I decided to do one.
but! this is all about cosplay!
Few days ago I began to think, what is behind this awesome hobby we've ran into!
and I managed to find some proves that cosplay has been so close but so far troughout the years.
but no more words, I'll let pictures speak!
these photos are awfully old and momo is brobably going to butcher me for publishing them but here you go!